Thursday, March 3, 2011

Children Bedtime Story To Hear.

          When we read bedtime stories to children, we should not listen to close the book after reading the complete. If children do not sleep, we should ask the children to the stories in the book. Or if the child is asleep, we may be asking a child in the morning time. We may ask a simple question. Why the protagonist to be happy? Children, it may be replied that because the protagonist is a good person. Then we could teach children that if a child is good in the end you guys can be happy.

          Simple questions latent in the bedtime story will allow children to learn from the deepest moral and small that it would be good if done well. If people behave badly, it will have been suffering a very serious book. Simple thing like this encourage children to do good as well.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dear Friend Of Our Children

          Friend of children, we have something to say - we should let kids who choose to fellowship with friends themselves. And we had to make friends of her children that their children choose union genuinely. If children bring friends home, they should be sitting talking with friend’s kids five minutes or ten minutes, to make friends and taste a selection of children dating a friend's child.

          Important in a friend's child is not to determine whether he should or should not be dating anyone. Children feel that they are being forced to choose, even friends are not dating you. We should be asking about a friend's children if we do not like the friends of the child should be trafficked child asked. We should tell the child to invite friends at home how to talk as people? Try to decide what to do with affecting children and gradually taught to be better than the child will see that we are reasonable people. And finally, if that friend is not good to stop dating his own son and does not feel too forced.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Accept When we Do Wrong

          Of course, every nobody who never makes mistakes. Parents would have an error occurs in life as well. Some parents will not accept that they were wrong. Themselves have to do is stay. This action allows children to have the wrong attitude; beliefs and habits are not good to get your children to another separate.

          Parents should be accepted if the children do wrong your children to know that anyone can do about error. It is not necessary to do good at everything that is everything. Teaching your child about a man who can make a mistake because it is better to make children more about the real life.

          The acceptable error - kids can see that about mistakes is acceptable and not scary like I thought. Try to train children to accept mistakes happen in life. So that children have pride in them and feel that they are valuable enough.