Thursday, February 17, 2011

Teach A Child Growing Friendship

          In this world, not only to our family only. If the outside world but also has social benefits of new friends and have always accepted that we cannot live alone in the world. We want a society of friends, demanding their psychological health is acceptance of others. So we need to train children known to be cultivated friendships with people from around.

Three stages that children have a good friendship with others are easy.

          1. It might be acceptable. I have to accept other people first. Teaching children to accept and open to others to come. For example, living alone in the game and then ask someone to play with, we are happy to play  unconditionally these things allow us to accept others and for others to accept us. We should teach children to understand this teaching about sharing and accepting others into their world.

           2.Generous to others - people who are generous with other people will be people who are attracted anyone wants to be near. We may make the child see samples or to invite children to participate. For example, the car did not start the next house. Might invite children to ask and give help. Participation by the child is taught to children in the.

          3.Friendship cannot buy - to train our children, perhaps because the patient was doing well with a double, does not make much friendship exists. Therefore, children need to learn to be patient to build up the friendship.

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