Sunday, February 6, 2011

Training to have to the Children is attempt

          Effort is one of the best things in life ever. Many people succeed because of their efforts. Whether it is how a famous person cannot be successful if no effort at all. Whether it is a world-renowned scientist. Whether it is a failure by national leaders. Success that they have to come from a total effort.
          We should train and teach your child about any attempt to succeed on your own. By ourselves is cheering from a distance and assistance as appropriate. But those who make them must be our children mainly that he  is known to do everything yourself.
          Sometimes, children might be something strange new projects come up. This may have to start all the new guys can come consult us. We should encourage and support children as appropriate. And help stimulate your child is trying to do them successfully. We do not let them leave their projects to drop out. Whether small or large projects. It will make him become a man trying not to do anything successfully. And may make children until we have the habit of growth. The children become successful do not be tricked

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